Classroom Reveal

Hi Everyone,
My classroom hasn't changed much in the last two years (maybe next year) but I wanted to show it anyway.
This is my class library.  My ladybug chairs are looking more camouflage than black !
I'm implementing Miss Decarbo's Brag Tags this year! Can't wait!
Sorry this is so blurry!  This is my carpet area and Math Focus Wall
This is my desk area... I am laying out all the activities I want to do with my students.  I'm excited to do the "Math About Me" from Melissa Machan (Freebie).  You can see I've put together a sample one to show my students.

And of course my Ladybug Birthday chart!  I fill the ladybug bags with candy and toys.  My students can't wait for their birthday so they can take down one of the bags to keep!

Hope you all have an amazing school year!!