I can't believe it's been a month since I've written but the holidays will do that to ya! I've been reading blogs tonight and love all the fun stuff my blogging friends received for their classrooms. I've got to get my hands on one of those laminators, they sound like just the thing I need. I got a really nice Cricket this year for Christmas which I've wanted for quite awhile. I'm always calling my daughters to see if I can borrow theirs. I guess they got the hint! :)
Enjoy the rest of the holidays and days off!
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Earthquakes - faults
I'm just finishing my unit on earthquakes/faults and posted it on Teacher's Pay Teachers. Check it out and see what you think.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Happy Thanksgiving!
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While I was teaching appositives in grammar this past week, I saw a few "Deer in the headlights" looks. so I've created a teaching unit on Appositives. Check it out at TPT. This unit seemed to help clear up any confusion my students were experiencing, maybe it was a sugar induced coma! :) Hope you find it useful. Let me know what you think.
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Just working on a poster for this week's grammar
lesson. I'm teaching; Plural Nouns, Collective Nouns, and Possessive Nouns. I made a poster to show to my students, these seem to be a good resource as they complete their paper work.
This picture isn't very clear but you get the idea. Learning possessives is always a struggle for fifth graders. I think I might make a sorting game to help reinforce the concept.
How do you teach possessives?
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lesson. I'm teaching; Plural Nouns, Collective Nouns, and Possessive Nouns. I made a poster to show to my students, these seem to be a good resource as they complete their paper work.
This picture isn't very clear but you get the idea. Learning possessives is always a struggle for fifth graders. I think I might make a sorting game to help reinforce the concept.
How do you teach possessives?
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Early Explorers
I just posted (on Teachers pay Teachers) a unit on Early Explorers, that include posters with between 5 and 7 facts about ten different explorers. At the end of the packet is a card game that can be played much like "Go Fish" only with facts about explorers. The deck includes forty cards; four for each of the ten explorers. Your students will have so much fun playing the card game, they won't realize they are memorizing facts about each explorer!
Check it out and tell me what you think!
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Check it out and tell me what you think!
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Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core = Science Fun!
We are studying the surface of the Earth in Science and get to eventually move into Volcanoes, Earth quakes, uplift, erosion and all kinds of fun stuff. Fifth graders LOVE it! I'm not sure if I'm going to use candy bars to teach uplift again because my students last year were more interested in the candy-bars than the lesson I was trying to teach - don't ya hate that?!
I just posted a new lesson on the layers of the Earth that I use to introduce the unit. Check it out and let me know what you think of it. It includes two posters of facts about the layers of the earth, two worksheets, a matching-game that would be perfect for a center and an answer key.
Happy Teaching!
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I just posted a new lesson on the layers of the Earth that I use to introduce the unit. Check it out and let me know what you think of it. It includes two posters of facts about the layers of the earth, two worksheets, a matching-game that would be perfect for a center and an answer key.
Happy Teaching!
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Thanksgiving Fictional Narrative
I love to teach writing and the holidays just make it even better. Our next unit focuses on Fictional Narratives. I've created a Thanksgiving Fictional Narrative Packet that I think you'll enjoy. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Yeah! I've been Boo-ed! I love these linking parties, its such a good way to get to meet other bloggers. One of my follower friends Amy Grout over at Adventures in Teaching shared the holiday spirit and Boo'd me! Huge shout-out to Amy for thinking of me!
Here are some of my favorite Halloween products:
So, here are the rules...
1. If you've been boo-ed, copy and paste the above pic and these "rules" into your post.
2. Give a shout out to the blogger who booed you and link back to their site!
3. Share 3-5 October activities, books, products (maybe yours or someone else's) or freebies(s) that you love!
4. Share the Boo love with 5 bloggers-make sure you check this link so that you don't repeat the "Boo"
5. Link up {here} so that others can find you and read about your October ideas! While you are there check out the other great blogs!
This is the list of who I've Boo-ed:

Lab Rules Lab Tools
When doing science experiments in my classroom, I like to tell my students that we are now in the Science Lab. This always makes my students even more excited then they already are because its "Science Day". We review the lab rules that I have on a poster and the names of the lab tools we will be using that day. My students sound so smart when I hear them using the correct terms for the lab equipment. I've posted a freebie of my lab rules and lab tools for you to download if you'd like.
What lab rules do you have in your classrooms?
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What lab rules do you have in your classrooms?
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Watercolor Art
Remember those days in elementary school when you got to use the watercolor sets? Well today my class went on a field trip to an art museum to see professional water color art. When we returned to school they could hardly wait to try their hand at it. I was so impressed with their art work that I decided to post some of their work on my blog. Enjoy!
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Fun Matter Lab!
We had the best time learning about matter this week! First we learned about physical changes in matter using clay and unifix cubes. My students enjoyed weighing the objects whole then taking them apart and weighing them again to see if the weight changed. They found that the clay was .02 lighter than the original weight. They came to the conclusion that the .02 was some clay left on their hands or their desks.
We also made GAC to show Chemical changes in matter. My students LOVED getting to make GAC and play with it afterwards. Many wanted the recipe to make it at home!!
Click on this link to download my matter unit and see what fun you can have:
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First Blog
Getting started, love these blogs!!
Here is my first freebie, it is a page I use on the first day of school to establish roles. I like to nip those "class clowns" in the bud right from the start.
I have much more to share, please keep checking back.
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Here is my first freebie, it is a page I use on the first day of school to establish roles. I like to nip those "class clowns" in the bud right from the start.
I have much more to share, please keep checking back.
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